[VHFcontesting] 222 Sprint

Dexter McIntyre W4DEX dmcintyre at att.net
Wed Sep 29 11:42:22 EDT 2004

Enjoyed the event here in NC.  Prop to the NE was poor and for a while I 
thought I was only going to hear locals.  However at 0149Z K5QE in 
Texas, EM31 was worked.  I heard another 5 calling several times but 
could never pull the call out.

Worked two stations I haven't worked in many years and two new guys 
which were new to the band.  One was about 60 miles away using an indoor 
Quagi in the shack with low power.  This band seems to be picking up 
some new interest which is great to see.

Total contacts:  18
Total grids:     13

I believe the microwave reflector has been down for a few days.  I have 
seen no post and did not see my post return.  I made a web (brag) page 
with more details than anyone wants to know about the K1WHS / W4DEX 2.3 
thru 10 GHz contacts made last week.  See it here:



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