[VHFcontesting] Estimate of QSOs made outside grid circling rover

Tree tree at kkn.net
Mon Aug 1 15:59:12 EDT 2005

Here are the line scores from last year's June VHF contest.

N6NB 1,292,382 1,804 263 R WTX   (+KG6TOA) 
N6VI 1,156,760 1,744 239 R WTX     
N6MU 1,131,156 1,738 234 R WTX 

If you make an assumption that N6VI and N6MU had very few, if any, "outside"
QSOs, you would see that N6NB made perhaps as many as 66 QSOs with other

This would be 3.6 percent of his QSOs, but only 1.25 percent of the total

So - color me surprised.

But, I think it would have been better for the contest if three independent 
rovers had each made only 50 QSOs compared to what happened.


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