[VHFcontesting] UHF contest.

kentke kentke at infoblvd.net
Sun Aug 7 17:01:46 EDT 2005

Looks like some of you had a good number of contacts. I can't say that from this station. This was the poorest contest that I have worked in years. Granted I only had two bands (222 & 432) , BUT !!!! 7 contacts on 222 and 2 contacts on 432.. 6 grids on 222 and 2 grids on 432. 
 Grids and stations that I can and do work any given day and/or evening from FN12.
Thanks to KE3HT/R for giving me two contacts in my own grid square, K3TUF down in FN10 (both bands, easy), K2LNS in FN21, W3GPY in FN20, W2SZ in FN32 and N2NF in FM29.

Have been planning on going back to FN22 for the Sep contest, but after this run, am really wondering if it is worth the effort not to mention the expence.
Come-on you guys use 'em (the bands) or loose 'em.


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