[VHFcontesting] Grid Circling, Captive Rovers, and FM

Michael J. Clarson mclarson at rcc.com
Thu Aug 11 16:20:30 EDT 2005

Just some thoughts -- I tried to stay out of the fray, but just couldn't:

Grid Circling: Don't understand the problem with it, other than it skews the
score away from the more traditional rover. "Solutions" so far range from
"you know it when you see it" and rover/non-rover QSO ratios etc.  If its
deemed a problem--and I am not sure it should be--why not consider a simple
to enforce rule-- rover to rover contacts are worth ZERO points. You still
get the multiplier, but no contact points (like working domestic stations in
the WAZ contests--same idea). Just wait until someone sets up a station near
one of the poles (North or South) and the rovers can hit 180 grids in a few

Captive Rovers: Don't understand the problem with this either--its part of
the effort one runs. One station happens to control both ends of the path.
But not working anyone else is unsportsmanlike and just plain not nice. Even
if you "don't have the time", you should make some. Don't have to work
everyone, but 15-20 mins at a site to work others doesn't seem unreasonable.
Don't see a rule about this one happening.

FM: I don't think it's the mode so much, as it seems perfectly valid on 222
and some microwave bands, but rather the channelized style of operating. My
own feeling is not to make any changes that result in fewer contacts being
made in VHF/UHF contests. 

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