[VHFcontesting] A practical consideration [was:Pack Rovers meet ARRL contest objectives]
Radiosporting Fan
radiosporting at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 16 07:10:39 EDT 2005
--- Ed Kucharski <k3dne at adelphia.net> wrote:
> I believe that Tree has determined that the
> practice of captive roving does exist even
> though my friends in WNY feel otherwise
Just to be clear, I (in WNY) believe that captive and
pack roving exists and is both encouraged by the rules
and is celebrated in the contest recap. The event
administrating authority has chosen (since the very
first occurance, btw) to both allow it and make note
of such activity publicly (not a negative comment on
the hard working folk at the League, by ANY means!).
This fact is profound in understanding where we are.
Please note the thread Subject.
I originally suggested a simple rule change that would
cancel grid circling (but upon further consideration,
I found a fatal flaw in it, too)...but then I realized
that the issue is really the same as captive rovering.
The commonality is that Grids are as important as
QSO's to the score and we have easily moved stations.
There is no doubt in my mind that the League has
struggled with this exact issue.
Therefore, I am simply being practical: People who
complain about GC/PR's or CR's need to find a new way
to enjoy the event (folks outside of the "top 10" do
this every time) or participate in a new event that
doesn't share the same characteristics (see the e-mail
about the Sprints).
> I'm getting concerned, as this thread continues,
> that rovers like yourself will confuse the
> controversy about captive rovers and will get angry
> or discouraged and not want to be a rover anymore.
> Don't let that happen -
I ditto that comment. I am attempting to build my
station in a way that makes me "Mothership friendly"
to the Roving community. I've installed a *big* stack
of halo's to assure I hear them in all directions,
I've got big amps on the "bottom bands" to help them
find me before we "zero in" our antennas on the
uWaves. I've installed HamIM
(http://w2ev.rochesterny.org) and have *never* missed
a rover that has also used it. I'm trying to figure
out how to get the extra bands on my tower now.
I want to be a Rover's best friend. I'm doing
everything I can to "captivate them" because I value
what their presence can do for my level of event
enjoyment....and hope to "feed their disease" as well.
Back to getting things setup for the 10-GHz Cumulative
this weekend. :)
Kind regards to all...
Ev, W2EV
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