[VHFcontesting] Various opinions and thoughts

Todd Sprinkmann sprinkies at excel.net
Tue Aug 16 14:28:37 EDT 2005

  I feel for the many silent folks on the list we are turning off.  I hope
they stay on board here, and keep bringing the list back to actual 
contesting talk, rather than getting bogged down in the ditch like 
all email lists seem to do from time to time.  I'd just like to remind 
everyone that the September contest is less than 4 weeks away. 

  V/UHF contesting and weak signal work is a niche-type thing.  
It's hard to get people into it and we need to do everything we can 
to keep them interested and enthusiastic.  I've seen comments 
here that definitely would repel a would-be contester.  

   I think and I hope that the majority of hams who read this list 
want to see more talk about folks' stations, how their stations 
have evolved, how they've grown in contesting and their actual 
contest experiences and plans.  I sure hope that everyone who 
has had so much to contribute to the recent discussion is an 
active contester!  I'd hate to poke around the ARRL contest results 
and discover that some the most vocal ones here don't actually 
play in the contests.  ;)

  Having said that, I do think the discussion over the past week or 
two is important.  I simply wish it didn't dominate the list activity.  
I also have strong opinions about the items, which I will share.     

  When I'm contesting, I want to work *everyone, everywhere*!  I love 
the heck out of rovers.  Anyone who wants to go to the aggravation 
of rigging up a vehicle and driving thru various grids to increase 
activity and scores is someone who has my appreciation.  Rovers 
who extend themselves to other rovers and fixed stations increase 
activity and that feeds on itself. 

  But rovers that have decided who they will and won't work are bad.  
Crap.  Garbage.  Fixed stations, multi-ops... anyone who equips a 
rover station and then applies pressure to work only the "mothership" 
has perverted a very noble elmering idea.  Sure, loan out equipment.  
Sure, make sure rovers are appreciated and loved.  Sure, be glad if 
getting more rovers in your area increases your score.  But to suggest
that these rovers are strictly obligated to you, the mothership... ugh!  
It's selfish and should be strongly discouraged.  Don't focus so 
narrowly on how the rules can be exploited for your personal gain -- 
think about what's really right and beneficial for the greatest number.  

  Rovers in a pack or team who have figured out a way to post a huge 
score while only working each other in close grids are useless to 98% 
of contesters.  All they've proven by doing this is that they can play with 
loopholes in the rules to create an artificial, unnatural score.  A totally 
contrived result that 1) does nothing to increase activity.  2)  has zero  
utilization of enhanced propagation that may occur.  3) ruins goodwill, 
by excluding stations, rather than including them.  4) wastes a great 
opportunity for improving the state of V/UHF contesting for many,
instead of boosting the egos of a very few.

  I admit that this whole thread has gotten so busy, that I'm having a 
hard time keeping track of who's in favor of what.  But every time Tree 
posts something, I wish I had written it too.  Tip of the hat to him.  I'd 
enjoy a contesting club full of hams like him.

  Todd  KC9BQA  EN63ao (looking forward to 50-2304 for September)


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