[VHFcontesting] my stratergy

Eric Smith kb7dqh at donobi.net
Wed Aug 17 08:44:28 EDT 2005

ZZZZactly...  If you are roving as I do most of the time,
"like a bullet without a target"
a good time to head for a new grid is when the QSO rate
falls off dramatically, or, you have worked everyone you
can hear, whichever comes first... then time to get over
the line and "work 'em again"...  hopefully pull out a new
mult or two in the process... step and repeat till the
contest is over or you have melted down all the radios,
antennas, etc... one of these days I will bless the bunch
with the story of how I lost ALL of my rover antennas at
once at 65 MPH... an hour before the start of the 2003 June
VHF test one year... something to do with mounting them all
to a Ham IV rotator...

On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:26:42 -0400
 Buck Calabro <kc2hiz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Frank.
> I have a lot to learn!
> > Try to keep a schedule, all though I 
> > never make specific skeds.  Personal thing,
> This one is one of those things where you have to do it
> for a while
> before you get the right balance between staying in a
> grid grabbing
> that last QSO or move to a new one and go for the
> multiplier, right?
>   --buck
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