[VHFcontesting] What about me? I am captive.

Bob Naumann - W5OV w5ov at w5ov.com
Thu Aug 18 14:52:47 EDT 2005

In response to KD3NC (a past operator at W2SZ): 

First, you don't know me.  I am neither lazy, nor a whiner.  My 
motivation is to seek to get the rules changed to correctly address the 
issues at hand - period.  Sharing my opinion on the reasons why is all 
I'm doing.

I recognize that something is wrong with the SOP at some multi-ops 
concerning their team members going out and pretending to be 
independent rovers.  The same applies to the pack-rover/grid-circlers.  

These allegedly independent operations are no more indepedent from each 
other than the 2m op is from the 6m op on the same hilltop using the 
same callsign - or from the guy who puts up the towers, or cooks 
breakfast for the hilltop crew.  They are all members of the same 
entity, seeking to benefit one station's operation.  Their status in 
the contest must take that into account.

Some say where's the proof?  Instead, I say prove that they are 
independent as they claim.  You might say, "But Bob, the rules don't 
require them to."  Well, the rules should require proof.

This practice isn't new.  It's been going on for years.  Another 
example from the past was reported here this morning.  

Should some scores in the books be retroactively moved to different, 
perhaps new categories?  I think that might be a good idea and deserves 
further thought.

The rules are simply inadequate as they are today and need to be 
changed in order to adequately address these issues.

Bob Naumann - W5OV

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