[VHFcontesting] captive Rovers and grid circler's

Dan K9ZF n9rla at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 18 19:52:37 EDT 2005

For all the folks that are getting frustrated with this thread; Hang in 
there.  It should die out in another day or two.  But fair warning, as 
most of the long time list subscribers can tell you the same thread will 
be back about twice per year.  But is hitting delete really that much 

I find it interesting the original grid circling thread evolved into 
captive Rovers.  Although I guess in a sense, it is the same thing.   
The circling Rover just brings along a couple of his own captive Rovers... 

Even with the umpteen times I've seen this thread over the years, we 
still haven't came up with a good solution to either of the problems.  
And many aren't even convinced there is a problem to solve.  Creating a 
new category for the grid circlers is a good proposal, but it may be 
difficult to define.  If I run across another Rover at a grid corner and 
max out our contacts, would that throw me into competition with the 
mega-Rovers?  I would hope not.  Even though I'm sure Tim, KE3HT, has a 
much better setup than I do, I can  [and have a couple of times] win my 
division.  Every time I go out I intend to win.  Although sometimes I 
get skunked by better Rovers, I still do my best.  That is contesting.  
But grid circling sounds like the most boring thing in the world to me.

One thing is clear to me.  The  ARRL can't wave their magic wand and 
make the problems go away.  The foremost experts on VHF contesting in 
the USA have been debating this issue for years here on the Internet 
without arriving at a good solution.  Any "solution" the ARRL comes up 
with may likely do more harm than good. I would hate to see any more 
harm done to VHF contesting or Roving.  Although I have been getting 
pretty burned out for the last year or so, it is still my favorite part 
of amateur radio.

I'll tell you one thread I would like to see come back around:  How to 
get more activity in VHF contesting.  One of the reasons I have been 
getting burned out is even though I have put together a Rover station 
that will rival many home stations, I still often have trouble finding 
more than two or three stations to work in some grids.  This past June 
was a real disaster for me.  Lackluster propagation for the most part, 
and dismal local participation.  And to top it off I blew up my 432 
transverter.  But if I can get it repaired in time, I will likely try 
again in September.

I have found one thing that helps though.  Whenever I get down about all 
the effort for little return, I pull out the  N2JMH Psycho Rover video 
for motivation :-)   Hey Ev, when are you going to do another Rover video?


K9ZF /R no budget Rover ***QRP-l #1269
Check out the Rover Resource Page at: <http://www.qsl.net/n9rla>
List Administrator for: InHam+grid-loc+ham-books

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