[VHFcontesting] What about me? I am captive.

Dave Page vhf at dave-page.com
Thu Aug 18 20:34:24 EDT 2005


> If you choose to continue to deny the fact that all of those captive 
> rovers are part of the W2SZ team, and therefore should be subject to 
> the rules as I described earlier, please feel free to continue living 
> in denial.

	Obviously this is an emotional topic for some people. And emotion impairs 
reason. Nothing in the rule, as written, says anything about "teams." That is your 

	On the one hand, since rovers submit separate logs in the same contest, 
and the rover ops do not appear on the roster of M/M stations, they are not teams. 
On the other, some M/M stations are providing aid and comfort to friendly rovers. 
But so what? If you were to call all your non-contest buddies and ask them to 
contact you on .55 during the contest, would they be on your 'team'? Is that a 
problem for anyone? What if you loaned a buddy a handheld? Or two? 

	If some M/M creates a bunch of crude "captive" rover stations and earns 
itself some new grids, what is the problem? How does that pick your pocket or break 
your leg?

	Obviously, to be a competitive M/M, empty grids must be activated. Several 
rovers must be sent to each empty grid in order to account for breakdowns, 
weather, operator error, etc. This takes a lot of work, and does not happen at 
random. Every contact with certain grids must be deliberately engineered and 
executed. This is not HF. Sorry. 

	I quit roving:
	a.) because it got boring, and 
	b.) because SZ started harping on rovers to work other stations more 
aggressively in order to avoid the appearance of having captive rovers. The 
prospect of having to spend twice as long at each site handing out random low-
value contacts did not appeal to me. I enjoy the geeky, technical aspect of the  
hobby -- once the experiment is a success, there is no need to repeat it much.

> I am going to continue to speak out, and express my very differing 
> opinion.  

	You have promised to reiterate your position again and again. And I 
promise to point out that you have not added anything new to the discussion again 
and again.
> You also seem to think that this somehow is driven by my needing to 
> improve my score, or will give me some competitive advantage, wrong 
> again.

	Well, OK. What is it then? And does whatever that is promote microwave 
> Did you think I was empowered to change the rules?  Thanks, but that is 
> done by people at or directed by the people at the ARRL HQ.

	And those fine folks need rational input in order to effect the changes you 
seek. They are not getting any, from what I can see.
> Strange that you mention Stalin, since you want to prevent me from 
> speaking freely.

	At no time did I assert or imply that you should not be permitted to speak. I 
did encourage you to think first, and offer some constructive input, rather than 
simply complain.

	Best regards - Dave KD3NC

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