[VHFcontesting] Captivated circling rovers 10%!

frank bechdoldt k3uhf at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 18 21:47:00 EDT 2005

Well I never mentioned you by call or name, Im bothered more by the 6's
that go to texas.

Anway with the 2/3 calls I would think there would be twice as many
stations as me out west.
As a rover I would think there is time for you to work your friends and
everyone else too.
Perhaps that is aumish counrty and theres nothing beyond spark gap
generators out there (hi hi)
In a recent contest I worked 700ish qsos,
in that 700 qsos I worked 170 differnt opperators.
The most frequent opperator reached about 50-60 qsos on 6 bands.
Why? he was moving too.
The closest I was to this man during the whole contest?
Perhaps 100 miles and always 2 grid squares away.
So i circled but not in the same orbit.
It worked because we both had yagis on the roof.
I have never made skeds, more than saying the route i intend to take.
I can not predict time spent where because I stop and harvest all that I
can hear.
I often do not reach the end of my desired trek.
Well I never have.

They were in Canada on vancouver island and I dont blamr them for
travelling together.

A modifier could be added that its 10 percent only if you go above 50k

Id sure like minutes to those meetings...


> [Original Message]
> From: Tim Ertl (KE3HT) <ke3ht at ke3ht.org>
> To: Vhfcontesting <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
> Date: 8/18/2005 6:22:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Captivated circling rovers 10%!
> Frank has defined captive as 10% of my score, another said 10% of qso's
> one station(see below). Most of the comments I have received about my
> previous post seemed to feel that I was not captive. I even made my logs
> available to everyone. In June 10% of 210 QSO's is 21 QSO's. I would be
> required to not make more than 21 QSO's with any single station or be
> accused of being captive. If the ARRL makes a rule that says a rover with
> over 10% is captive and becomes a checklog or something like that then who
> is going to want to QSO with me? Check out my June 2005 log posted for
> everyone to see. You will see that I am a captive rover of W2SZ just
> they are a loud easy station to work. I didn't even work them from all
> grids. In other contests you would see me as captive to other stations
> N2PA AND W2SZ at the same time.
> Like I said in my first post, I can be considered captive at least by
> 10% was also mentioned on this list last February during the review of the
> ARRL contest committee suggestions. I am worried because many of the loud
> minority seem to think I am captive because I want to do distances. 
> Tim
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 16:15:58 -0700
> From: "frank bechdoldt" <k3uhf at earthlink.net>
> <snip>
> I urge all those who still care and might be able to do something about
> this to ask the Arrl to allow a maximum of 10% of a stations points to
> from another station.  In this case these 2 could of picked the qsos where
> they get unique multipliers thus to not punish them for being in the
> of nowhere. And the group of captivated circling rovers would have to grow
> to the size of 10.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Tim
> Tim Ertl KE3HT/r 
> QSL via CBA
> http://www.ke3ht.org/rover
> ke3ht at ke3ht.org
> -- 
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