[VHFcontesting] NEW Topic - Interference from GPS on 222

Tim (KE3HT) ke3ht at ke3ht.org
Fri Aug 19 10:24:02 EDT 2005

Yep, I have the same thing but using a Garmin Etrex. Reverse as well.
When my 222 is on the GPS has poor signal receive. BTW I use a 28mhz if
into a demi 222 transverter. 
,,,Tim  KE3HT/r
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 09:49:57 -0400
From: n2lbt at n2lbt.com
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] NEW Topic - Interference from GPS on 222
To: "John (JK) Kalenowsky, K9JK" <k9jk73 at msn.com>
Yep, on my 736r I get the same thing around 222.125 I just reach over  
and turn it off when I'm on that band.
Dennis Hudson, N2LBT/VE2/VE3/R
"The Canadian Mickywave Rover"
On Aug 19, 2005, at 9:10 AM, John (JK) Kalenowsky, K9JK wrote:
> Hello all,
> Has anyone else experienced interference from their GPS right on  
> the 222 Narrow Band Calling frequency?
> I'd been noticing this for a while, sounding like slightly raspy  
> morse A's run together (didahdidahdidahdidah...ad infinitum).  
> FINALLY, during the most recent UHF Contest, I convinced myself  
> that the source was my Garmin GPS V. It seems to always be there  
> when the GPS is powered on, just above 222.100 (with similar  
> signals around 222.123 and 222.145). Seems not to matter if the  
> unit is running on battery or from the Cigarette Lighter adapter so  
> I don't think it's radiation from the power cord and it definitely  
> goes away when the unit is powered off.
> It IS low level...not moving the S-meter but can definitely get in  
> the way of hearing weak signals ON the calling frequency.
> Have any other rovers (or non-rovers) experienced such interference  
> from their GPS? (Any folks from Garmin on the groups?)
> 73, JK
ke3ht at ke3ht.org

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