[VHFcontesting] Poll

frank bechdoldt k3uhf at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 21 02:10:25 EDT 2005

well I was going to post a response to each thing individually in seperate
postings and threads so one could pick a question they liked then ignore
the other by thrad shopping.

Some of the questions are good, there is a hint of an  adgenda there.

Soem cant be answered yes or no, like 7 since some may be good while others
are  bad.

Captive rovers should be re-defined as severly limited rovers and yeds they
exist and they are moderately important if they are making long distance 

Pac rovers do exist and they are of limited use in the idea of long
distance vhf comunications. There is no yes or no answer as to if they are
good.  I have seen pacs that worked everone they hear and they are good to
the chf community allthough thier score may be seen as skewed.

Grid circling exists ans it is good if the rover circles and works everyone.

The rukes are complicated and somewaht clear why make a manual for
something 700 people turn in logs for?
Is thier a hf contesters manual?

Sponsers are good, Icom should give a new rig as a "door prize"  randomly
drawn from the pool of entered logs. A IC 7800 is a good start.

Obviously thier is friction, the internet made it eeasyier for me to rub
you wrong!

Differnt commitment levels would be nice if we had about 3000 entrees. 
Everyone cant win a prize

Refused contacts suck I had only one in my whole life, he didnt like my 3
call in 7 land.

Club people refusing is unsportsmanlike and 100% against the spirit of ham
radio.  That dont happen in the northwest.

Massive grid circling is obvious in any log. A percentage should be given
for max contyacts per station. This wont stop captive rovers from helping
the mother-station.

Any smart sponser would make sure they make thier rules so that the people
using thier gear are the ones to win.

To liven things up we should all get to make  repeat qso for poitns for cw/
digital? and AM, each.  Yeah I said AM too, that would be a hoot.

This would make the band more active.

> [Original Message]
> From: Rusty Boling <ae4bk at yahoo.com>
> To: VHF CONTESTING <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>; Rusty Boling
<ae4bk at yahoo.com>
> Date: 8/20/2005 10:33:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Poll
> Amazing how easy it is to make yourself look stupid with an accidental
keystroke of the "ENTER" key, unintentionally sending an email with no
topic.  A big whoops on my part  Here is what I wanted to somehow poll on a
website that allows polls (and only allows 1 vote per topic).  If anyone is
aware to such a site that everyone on this list can get on, please post
these questions, post a link to the poll, and post the results on that
website in a timely manner either on that site or on here.
> Here are the questions that I would like a strictly "yes" or "no" answer
> 1) Do "captive rovers" exist?
> 2) If they do, are they good for the contest?
> 3) Do "pack rovers" exist?
> 4) If they do, are they good for the contest?
> 5) Does "grid circling" exist?
> 6) If it exists, is it good for the contest?
> 7) If any/all of the above exist are they good for the hobby?
> 8) Do we need an "ethical VHF contesters handbook" and make it mandatory
reading for each participant?
> 9) Do we need contest sponsors to make rules more specific regarding the
above tactics and very actively enforce these rules?
> 10) Do we need more entry classes if the above practices are deemed good
for the contest?
> 11) Are the current rules open-ended/not specific enough as to cause
friction among competitive contestants who would otherwise be best
friends/friendly competitors sharing the same passion for VHF/UHF and
> 12) Is it absolutely a must that the contests be so long?
> 13) Is there any way that there could be different levels of commitment
made (time wise) to encourage hams that don't have 2 days spare time to
commit to the contest yet still be competitive on a 6, 12, 24, or 33 hour
basis, as to encourage more participation from the average ham with less
spare time giving them an opportunity to be competitive within their
respective level of commitment? (You can go over your time limit, but any
contact after your first consecutive 6, 12, or 24 hours does not count
towards your score, but does for the station that you are working if they
are within their time commitment also).
> 14) Does the "club competition" encourage you to work only the stations
that you know are not your competition? Your competition may be 1 qso point
for you, but may be a new grid for them, or just the opposite.
> 15) Should we send in logs with an attachment that shows stations that
"refused to make contacts with me on multiple occasions on multiple bands
knowing that we could have easily worked eachother" placing that station
that refused to work you on a suspected "captive rover" list.
> 16) Should we send in logs with attachment showing "I suspect grid
circling from station "XX2XXX"  because of observed "blank" activity if
grid circling is not within the framework of the rules?
> 17) Should we send in logs with attachment showing "I suspect pack roving
from station "XX2XXX" because of observed "blank" activity if pack roving
is not within the framework of the rules?
> 18) Should there be a band limited category in every class?
> 19) If the 18 questions above were addressed by contest sponsors, would
everyone feel like they are getting a fair shake/chance at their respective
goal or award?
> So what do you guys think of these questions?
> Rusty NE4ME formely AE4BK
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