[VHFcontesting] A GOOD Rover Event

Jimk8mr@aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Aug 24 23:32:33 EDT 2005

After these past few weeks of all the talk about rovers, captive  rovers, 
captivated rovers, and so on ad nauseum, I'd like to suggest a brief  respite 
from the above.
This Saturday, August 27, is the Ohio QSO Party.  It has a Rover  category, 
in addition to a Mobile category and the usual single and multi  operator 
categories.  The mobile category requires a station capable  of motion, though not 
necessarily moving. The Rover category allows mobile  stations to stop, put up 
temporary antennas, and thereby potentially be a lot  louder and easier to 
work and be worked.  It's sort of a mobile-on-steroids  category. A Run 'n Gun 
Mobile category, and a Stop 'n Shoot Rover  category.
We have no captive rovers (or mobiles).  We expect at least a  dozen or so 
Rovers and Mobiles who are captivated by the fun of driving around  Ohio in the 
late summertime while making lots of contest qsos. A typical  mobile does 20+ 
counties in the 12 hours, so there are plenty of chances to work  them again 
and again.  Plus lots of home stations to work as well.
So far as I know W2SZ/1 is not planning to be active in this contest.  Nobody 
will be chasing around west Texas working themselves, nor would we care  if 
they did.
So for those of you with HF capability, stop by on Saturday between noon  and 
midnight EDT (1600z to 0400z 8/28).  Exchange qso number and QTH (Ohio  
county or State/Province). Multipliers count once per mode (but not by  band).
Full info is available at     _www.oqp.us_ (http://www.oqp.us) 
I'll be one of the Rovers out there.  As noted elsewhere, with the  price of 
gas these days we need lots of help to keep down the cost per  qso!
Hope to see lots of you on Saturday.
73  -   Jim    K8MR

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