[VHFcontesting] Goal-Based Contest Scoring

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Fri Aug 26 08:34:11 EDT 2005

I benieve you also have to move at least 10 miles (or is it km?) before 
working the same stations again in the 10 GHz contest. Makes Roving a lot 
more of a challenge.

73, Zack W9SZ 

On Thu, 25 Aug 2005, KA6AMD wrote:

> Yikes! Are you going to provide an interactive web site to calculate the 
> scores?  While the goals are laudable, I disagree with some of the weights 
> on the microwave bands.  Why do 24GHz and up have a lower weight than 222 
> and 902 MHz?
> My own preference is to use the scoring methods of the 10 GHz contest.  They 
> encourage developing a higher performance station to increase the distance 
> scoring.  Grid circling would be more difficult under the rules as there is 
> a 1km minimum communications distance required.
> Erich KA6AMD

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