[VHFcontesting] Stew Perry, CWAC'd

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 18 10:52:19 EST 2005

I ran my own little "Contest Within A Contest" during
the Stew Perry Top Band Challenge (just ended).  I
logged by using a new real-time scoring system.

Wanna see what a first-timer with 100 watts to a 40'
high inverted Vee can do on 160 meters?  Here's my map
from the previous 24-hours (it is relative time so it
will eventually go blank, so don't delay):


Mike (WV2ZOW) joined in for a couple hours, too. 
Here's his map:


Just thought you may be interested (in seeing all of
my busted callsigns, at least). :))

Ev, W2EV
http://w2ev.rochesterny.org/DXDashLogger for more

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