[VHFcontesting] CQWW VHF Score

Mike Perryman jmperrym at cmdconsulting.com
Mon Jul 18 14:41:58 EDT 2005

After seeing a few of the other postings..  could be that I did in fact make
a decent (not too ashamed of anyway) showing...

I was able to work approx 7.5 hrs while dodging thunderstorms, equipment
bugs...  and "red-headed QRM" - aka: the XYL.

As follows..
Band     Q's     Points     Mults
6m        52        52        23
2m        14        28         9

TOTAL     66        80        32  = 5,280

I hope I am scoring this properly...  haven't read the scoring rules
thoroughly as of yet.  I worked from home using a Icom 756 for 6m, feeding a
homebrew stacked pair of 6 element yagi's.  Signal reports were good...
but, I did notice that I had to work the close-in guys off the back of the
6m stack.  I just flat couldn't hear them from the front.  It seems as
though I may have "over-engineered" the antennas.  The bottom of the stack
was at 54' w/ 10' stack spacing.  It did, however, perform VERY well when
working a couple of VP5's that popped-up Sunday.

For 2m, I was using a FT-736R w/RF Concepts brick feeding a Cushcrap 15WB
"boomer" at 70'.  This antenna turns out to be pretty directive, or sharp.
I had to be dead-on in beam heading to work folks...  but when I found them,
they were LOUD!

Using 7/8" Andrews to feed everything, about 130' to base of tower from
operating position... The last 70 or so feet was LMR-400.  The ground
elevation at the QTH is approx 375' AMSL.

Encouraging enough to continue working out the bugs and look forward to
Sept. ARRL VHF Contest. I still haven't heard from Steve W4SHG, my only
local real competition, how he fared with his last minute "rovering" effort.
Steve usually "spanks" me pretty handily..  Also looks like K2DRH did very
well, from an email that just came in...

maybe I should send the XYL on vacation  ;-)

73 til the next one..

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