[VHFcontesting] PACK ROVEing - A New Category Is Needed

Eric Smith kb7dqh at donobi.net
Sat Jul 30 16:37:46 EDT 2005

If one were to "nitpick", the "nosebleed multivehicle work
each other almost exclusively rover team" could be
considered a new form of "captive roving".  

Unlike the "old days" when large multiop club operations
would "sponsor" rovers who would work the club station to
the exclusion of others for the purpose of running up the
score of the multiop club station,  the twist is rovers
doing the same thing to mutually aggregate a monster score.

Oddly enough, this is a good way to train future rover
operators unfamiliar with the uniqueness of roving.

Problem is, most of the grid cirling operations have barely
enough power and antenna to be heard much beyond the group
in most cases, further limiting their ability to work
anyone outside the group.  Add to that choosing a series of
locations at a considerable distance from anyone else
further isolates the group from the rest of the contest

And now for something completely different:

Let us suppose for instance, we turn the situation inside
out...  Establish an Unlimited or Limited band
multioperator station capable of operation from more than
one grid square:
A station with enough power, antenna gain, and receive
sensitivity to cover more than a few miles; well, more like
a few hundred...  with the ability to move great distances
during the contest period.  One that could simultaneously
work at least 3 bands at a time.

Could it be done?  Yes it can... and has.

During the January 2005 VHF sweepstakes, just such an
operation took place.  Since this would violate the rover
rules as currently written, no score was sent to the

However we did keep a log, and here are the results:

Bands we had gear for: ABCD9EFGHI
Bands we actually made QSOs on: ABCD9EFI
Capable of simultaneous operations on any two bands A-E
while in motion
Capable of simultaneous operations on any three bands of 10
while stopped and the microwave gear set up
Grids activated: CN88 CN78 CN77 CN76 CN86 CN87 CN96 CN97
6m: 144 QSO points, 13 grids worked
2m: 138  "     "    14   "      "
222 104              9
432 146              8
903  40              3
1.2  68              5
2.3   8              1
10G   8              1

656 total QSO points X 62 multipliers = 40,672 points

Does anyone out there in contest land know of anything like
this taking place before?
Curious more than anything else...


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