Justin Glasener glasener at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 15:52:45 EDT 2005

Call: K9MU
Operator(s): K9MU
Station: W0UC

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs):

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   6:  270   104
   2:  110    47
 222:   45    25
 432:   54    23
 903:   20    13
 1.2:   24    14
 10G:    4     1
Total:  527   726  Total Score = 164,802



I again operated from the W0AIH/W0UC contest site in Fall Creek, WI (EN44hr).
Since the W0UC station was torn down many of the antennae have fallen apart and
coax has deteriorated thus developing poor SWR on almost all bands.  W0AIH and I
spent many hours this spring repairing antennae and fixing SWR problems.
Although we made some progress there are still plenty of things to fix. The 6M
and 2M stacks are useless, the microwave dishes are nonexistent, and the 432
stack still has a 3:1 SWR. W0AIH put up a small 30 foot tower so I could utilize
my 432/902/1296 yagis.  A week before the contest I started transporting all my
radio equipment from my house to the new VHF chalet at W0UC.  I ran the bands
with KB9PJL, proving all my equipment in working order!! Since KB9PJL was going
to be on a rove to the U.P. of Michigan he gave me his 10 Ghz portable equipment
to use.

My goal for June was to finally break that 100k barrier. The contest started
slow with little activity and strong lightning static crashes. I found K0MHC/R
in EN26 right away and sweeped him through 1296 with good signals! My 902/1296
was working great! I sweep both KC0IYT/R and KF0Q/R from several grids. K0AWU,
KM0T, W0JT, N0KP, W0GHZ, W9GA, KB0ZKX, K2YAZ, K2DRH, W9FZ/R, and W0ZQ/R all had
nice signals on 1296! I was very impressed! Things were finally looking good.

A severe thunderstorm blew over forcing me to disconnect equipment. It passed
with no equipment casualties. Six meters opened at 23:15z to W5 and it never
really completely ended. QSO machines like K5 "texas radio", W5PR, and W5KFT
were always in. The 'ol Wilson yagi got a work out. A real highlight was having
VP5/N4VHF FL31 call me while pointed at Texas. I ran some 6M and 2M WSJT skeds
Sunday morning with good success.

The rovers and all the crazy EN44'ers kept me busy until the BIG aurora
opening!! At 1905z, I was pointing south and heard K0KP cq'ing with almost a
hashy note to his signal. I swung the beam around to the NE and Rex was booming
in 59A!! All hell broke loose! 6M and 2M were packed full of strong sigs.
Signals on 6M were peaking at 070 QTF. The highlight of 6M aurora was having
VE4EE EO10, WB8BZK/VE3 EO40, VA6AN EO42, and VE3KRP EN58 call me in a row! What
could be better than working three EO grids in a row! W9FZ/R and W0ZQ/R were
also worked via aurora with their dipoles. Several aurora QSO's were made on 144
and 222. I also heard K9NS and a couple others on 432 aurora.

144 Aurora:

   1910    N2PA FN12
   1935    WZ8T EN72
   1949    W9FZ/R EN54
   1955    W4IY FM08
   2006    W3SO FN00
   2009    W2KVK FN20
   2011    K8CC EN82
   2012    K8MD EN82
   2012    K8MR EN91
   2013    K9ZO EN50
   2138    K1TEO FN31
   2149    WA3LTB EN92
   2149    W4RX FM19
   2153    K9MRI EN70
   2155    WA8WOQ EN82
   2236    W0FY EM48
   2258    K2ERG FN13
   2302    KC9GRF EN44
   2345    WQ0A EN34
   2348    VE3KRP EN58
   2355    N4GN EM78
   2356    W8DN EN70

222 Aurora:

   1937    WZ8T EN72
   1947    N2PA FN12
   2141    W4IY FM08
   2146    K8GP FM08
   2158    N9LR EN50

When the aurora slowed down, N0AKC and I attempted a 10 Ghz sked. I took the 10
Ghz tripod outside and found a clear view though the trees and proceeded to work
N0AKC and his sons on 10GHZ CW/SSB!  Those QSO's put me over the 140k hump! With
my personal goal already smoked I now had my eyes set on the WI record, set by
W0UC in 2000 at 160k. With only an hour and a half remaining,  I needed to haul.
I put on some old school Limp Bizkit, turned the operating skill knob up a
notch, and continued to kick some ass. W9FZ/R was on full force, cranking out
the Q's from EN45. During the last minutes of the test, KF0Q/R pulled over for
us EN44'ers and ran us though the bands from EN35, giving me a much needed new
one on 902! The contest ended with the usual… K2DRH "the shark" on a feeding

Overall the contest was a blast! Setting both my personal goal and the WI SOLP
record! My thanks goes out to W0AIH for all his tower/antenna knowledge, W0UC
for using his antennas, and all the BC'ers, NLRS'ers, and CVVHF'ers for the
hundreds of QSO's!

73 'till September!

Justin K9MU

6: 8 ele 100w
2: 17 ele 100w
222: 18x18 ele 20w
432: 28 ele 25w
902: 33 ele 7w
1296: 55 ele 10w

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