[VHFcontesting] Antenna-WA6MBL

Ray J ray at w9ray.org
Tue Jun 14 18:29:36 EDT 2005

How are u mounting the yagi now?  tripod? vent pipe? u have a rotor?  
what radio do u have?  and most importantly what are your expectations 
of the band?

If its simple for u  to go up 5 more feet...  go for it....every little 
bit will help when you are that low.. at least then  the antenna will be 
1 boom length off the roof then... but if its a a huge amount of work 
... then you might want to wait till u can get  higher than 5 more 
feet...  (like a tower or big tripod)
           I  would think a bigger beam that close to the ground would 
not help much at all.....  the bigger beams are made to be up in the 
clear..  many wavelengths up...  not 1/4 wave above the roof.... or 1 
wavelength above the ground... it probably  wrecks the pattern, swr and 
gain on a big high gain yagi ... making the $300 yagi as good as the 
$120 one

if its a commercial 4 element, then  it must be the  Comet, on a10 foot 
boom... that should do you just fine..

  In a good 6 meter eskip opening u can run a wet string for a antenna 
on 6 and make a bunch of qsos... but will you work 300 miles on  ground 
wave ... probably not,  but thats not what most people are interested 
in... u probably  want to work the e skip and the f2 openings..
 low loss coax? this is 50hmz  not 1296... he didn't even say what the 
coax length was... and run less than 100 feet, 1/2" rg8 style coax would 
be more than adequate .

Ray J

>>>My 4 element 6 meter beam is at 5ft, off the roof. If
>>>I increase it to 10ft, will that help......
>>>Just getting started on 6.
>I'd be willing to bet that the extra five feet will not make much 
>difference.  I think that a bigger beam, say six elements and low loss 
>coax would be a better investment.  Especially if you have room to swing 
>the boom.  73,  Bill, WF4R (ex: WA6REG)
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