[VHFcontesting] Not worth it

Alex kr1st at amsat.org
Thu Apr 6 18:45:46 EDT 2006

Those are good questions, Ev.

My contest score would not be worth it ranking wise, but making two for 
me DX contacts made the effort worth it. Without the contest those 
stations would not have been on the air probably. We need these contests 
even if it was just to generate activity. I will send in my log to let 
the sponsor know that I was there, and that their effort is worth the 
time they sacrifice. I see it as a way and opportunity to say "thank you".

--Alex KR1ST

Radiosporting Fan wrote:
> At what point is it no longer "worth it" to send in a
> log?
> At what point is it no longer "worth it" to sponsor a
> contest?
> This is not a troll.  It is simply food for thought.
> Ev, W2EV
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