[VHFcontesting] Contest Tweaks?

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 9 15:37:23 EDT 2006

--- Fred Lass <felasstic at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have a question.  Do the point values on each band
> still make sense?  (1 point for 6 & 2, 2 points for
> 222 & 432, 4 points for microwave.)  In my opinion,
> back when microwave activity was low and sections
> were multipliers the bonuses were valid.  If bonus
> points per QSO are still valid with grid squares,
> are the current values the best numbers?

It's interesting that you ask this question, Fred.  I
think that the ARRL point-value system does a *good*
job of assigning a roughly appropriate QSO point
value...based on the physics of the communication

I would offer that if there was any "tweak" to be made
that it would result in minor changes and would be met
with considerable resistance.  The January VHF SS
values come closest to "perfect" of any values I know

If you're asking for a discussion on the topic, then I
would suggest that QSO points could be log-based
(rather than linear).  Here's the example:

50-MHz+   1-point each
100-MHz+  2-points
200-MHz+  3-points
400-MHz+  4-points
800-MHz+  5-points
1.6-GHz+  6-points
3.2-GHz+  7-points
6.4-GHz+  8-points
12.8GHz+  9-points
25-GHz+  10-points
50-GHz+  11-points
100-GHz+ 12-points
200-GHz+ 13-points
400-GHz+ 14-points

Ev, W2EV

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