[VHFcontesting] 222 Sprint

Ron Klimas WZ1V wz1v at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 13 09:40:46 EDT 2006

Station here is 500W to a M2 222-5WL at 73'. (1023' asl) Worked 51 QSO's, 
24 grids = 1,224. TNX to all who got on!
Band condx only average vs. Tuesday night was enhanced along the coast. 
Worked 3 W8's and 1 VE3 to the west. Tnx K1DY FN54 and N1JEZ FN44 for those 
rare ones and Tnx to Rovers W1RT and W4SHG for the multiple Q's/Grids. C'ya 
all on 432 next Thursday I presume.
-73, Ron WZ1V FN31mp

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