[VHFcontesting] Best contesting rig

John Geiger (NE0P) ne0p at lcisp.com
Wed Apr 26 10:13:48 EDT 2006

Which radio is considered to be the best VHF/UHF contesting radio that covers several bands (at least 2m/70cm/23cm) in one box?  I know that transverters with a good IF rig are probably the best way to go, but it you are limited on space and interconnections and wanted everything in one box, which rig would be the best.  It seems that the choices would be:

Yaesu FT736R (with 6m or 222mhz also available)
Icom 910H
Icom 970A/H
Kenwood TS790
Kenwood TS2000 (also with 6 meters)

Or if you could get by without 23cm:
Yaesu FT847
Yaesu FT726R
Icom 820H
Icom 821H
Kenwood TS780

Opinions on this?

73s John NE0P 



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