[VHFcontesting] June 06 VHF QSO Party LCRs now available

steve kavanagh skavanagh73 at yahoo.ca
Thu Dec 21 09:21:16 EST 2006

I'm glad to see this.  I do believe that if a
computerized process is used to remove QSOs from logs,
the results really should be justified and the rules
by which the corrected score is determined should be
transparent.  Alas, not being a member (seeing as the
ARRL does not represent me to my gov't, etc.) it seems
I won't be able to see my own report.

I am confused a bit though...

In K5TR's report there are 11 dupes, 4 incorrect
exchanges and one "not in log" for a total of 16 QSOs
that should not count (or 17 including penalty QSOs),
but the difference between raw and net QSOs is only

In WY0X's report there are 3 incorrect calls, 4
incorrect exchanges and 2 "not in logs" for a total of
9 QSOs that should not count (or 14 including penalty
QSOs), but the difference between raw and net QSOs is
only 10.

Can someone explain these apparent discrepancies to me

Steve VE3SMA

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