[VHFcontesting] group roving

Tom Carney tomc7 at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 1 13:01:57 EST 2006

Trevor Raty wrote:
> A lot of the scores have to do with a lot of the mountain tops having a lot
> of intermod, and all the hilly terrain, If your in northern California, it's
> hard to get to So Cal without a lot of elevation, and luck. I'd love to do
> Mt. Diablo (3800') but it's useless on 6,2, and 432. (When you have
> watt-meter measurable amounts of RF coming down your coax, it's a bad
> sign.....) We where on Mt. Vaca and the upper end of 2m (for fm simplex
> talking and contacts) was useless. We only got 214 contacts or so, and that
> was with moderate antennas and feed line.
> Trevor KG6MDW (Operating as W6SN during Jan Contest)

Boy, I'm really surprised to hear your comments regarding Mt. Diablo and 
  problems on 6,2 and 432.  I've operated from there multiple times with 
very few problems.  Did you try in the lower (overflow) parking lot? 
It's a lot quieter than at the very top.  Also wonder what radio you 
were using?  I have a FT-100.

73,  Tom  K6EU aka K6EU/r

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