[VHFcontesting] K7XC - JAN VHF Sweeps - DM09ol - Multi Op

T. M. k7xc at charter.net
Wed Jan 18 21:15:42 EST 2006

This weekend is the annual running of the January VHF Sweepstakes.

The K7XC station with be active Multi Op on 6, 2, 222, 432, and possibly 
1296 from my home in the center of the Fallon Valley with a low horizon in 
all directions.

Currently the station is as follows...
50 Mhz - IC746 - 100W into  K7XC 6 ele yagi on a 30' boom up 35'
144 Mhz - IC290A - 80W Mirage Brick into a 18XXX M2 yagi at 37'
222 Mhz - HR-2510, DEM Xvtr, AM-6155 250W Amp into a 7WL M2 yagi at 39'
432 Mhz - IC06mkIIg - 100W RFC Brick into a 9WL K1FO yagi at 41'

The possibility exists to setup the following as well...
1296 Mhz - TS2000X, 10W into a 25 ele looper at 15' atop a temp mast in the 
front yard.

We will CQ the calling fequencies and QSY 10 Khz up to run stations. When 10 
Khz up is busy look for us 10 Khz down as well.

Especially looking for new grids on 222 Mhz as I need to work only 9 more to 
complete my 222 Mhz VUCC.

Anyone going to be active on 222 Mhz from the nearby grids in CA, AZ, NV, 
ID, UT, and OR please take the time to aim towards DM09ol and CQ 222.100 
Mhz, I will be looking.

Any of these "nearby" grids would be an alltime new one on 222; CM86, DM03, 
DM12, DM22, DM23, DM24, DM25, DM28, DM29, CN71, CN81, CN82, DN02, DN12, and 
DN22 . Thats not mentioning all of UT (except DN41), ID (Except DN13) and 
all of OR (Except CN92).

73s and best of luck in the contest de Tim - K7XC - DM09ol... sk
"One who fears limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to 
more intelligently begin again." -Henry Ford 

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