[VHFcontesting] N3FTI/R January Contest Results

Steven Kerns n3fti at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 23 19:29:02 EST 2006

Hello Everyone,

   Wanted to start the ball rolling with the report of
my activity this weekend.  Sorry I did not operate
from FM29, just before leaving FM19 the 2M amp ate the
antenna switching relay that selects my VHF antennas. 
Lost about 8 hrs of operating time as I returned home
and jury rigged a new relay matrix out of N-Type
transco relays.  Was back on Sunday 7:00am on Mt.
But soon lost first my 222, then the 903 amp... But
that's another story!

I only experience one enhancement during the contest
just after sunset Sunday night when pointed toward the
northeast.  Only lasted 15 minutes or so.

    ROVER                            EPA Section

    Band      QSOs          QSO pts.      Mults.
    50         207           207           22 
    144        126           126           15 
    222        49            98            6 
    432        60            120           11 
    903        7             28            2 
    1296       27            108           7 
    2304       15            120           4 
    3456       5             40            2 
    5760       7             56            2 
    10368      7             56            2 
    TOTALS     510           959          73 + 3 = 76 

                          Claimed score = 72,884

Thanks to all who came back grid after grid.


Steve, N3FTI/R

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