[VHFcontesting] ARRL Contest Robot and 903 mhz Q's
Ron Hooper
w4wa at alltel.net
Sun Jan 29 11:15:04 EST 2006
I had to upgrade the cabrillo compiler to get my score to go past the robot.
All is cool now. Thanks for the qso in the test.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David" <ke4yyd at gtcom.net>
To: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] ARRL Contest Robot and 903 mhz Q's
> If the VHF-DX program doesn't work anymore then I will not send in any
> more
> logs. I learned how to use it, is simple and I see no reason why the
> ARRL needs to change their program so it doesn't work.
> David Hinton
> KE4YYD, EL79rv
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Cumming" <w2bzy at cfl.rr.com>
> To: "Steve Gilmore" <shg at staffnet.com>; <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] ARRL Contest Robot and 903 mhz Q's
>> Steve et al.
>> As it did to you, 'the ARRL contest robot gave me fits this time.
>> Not having broke 100 Q's I did a quick check of my log , hit the
>> convert to Cabrillo format in my logging program *(VHF-DX V 4.1.56)
>> and sent it off to the league by e-mail. Soon after came the first
>> bounce. All My Q's were bounced for not one but two reasons. First
>> looking at the error messages and the screren version of the log (not
>> Cabrillo0 the line numbers didn't line up with the Q's in my log so I
>> looked at the Cabrillo text file and found that the line numbers
>> included the header (station info and Soapbox).
>> After sorting that out I compared the Q's with the cabrillo data and
>> the error messages - ie QSO B = Invalid band Spec "B" a quick look
>> at my last Jan (2005)VHF test log - the frequencies looked ok and
>> they matched my submissions up to and including the June,05 and Sept
>> 05 tests - not a reject.
>> Also all my q's were rejected as In valid date and time - it stated
>> the contest period as 1900Z on 2006-10-22 through 0359 on
>> 2006-01-23. SXtrange was that the time in the log fell within this time
>> slot.
>> Figuring that the robot was acting weird - I resent the log as it
>> stood and went to bed.
>> The next AM My e-mail had another reject message from the robot
>> Listing invalid Band Specification (A, B, C, D, 9, E, and F) - Well
>> ok - the robot took the info in this format last contest - what happened?
>> Went to the ARRL website and searched on Cabrillo format and came up
>> with the http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/
>> site - ok the spec called for the frequency not A, B, C etc.
>> When did this happen the robot digested my log ok last time with letters.
>> In the history section it stated:
>> "
>> 2002-08-03 Letter codes for VHF bands depricated. Only number
>> codes should be used.
>> Well ok nice of them to let us know - why did they take the letter
>> designation for so long after the change -nice of them to let us know.
>> I went back and manually edited the Text file to convert the "Letter"
>> designation to the Frequency (thank God for my word Processor's Find
>> and replace feature).
>> Resent and only my 903m 1296 and 2304 Q's bounced this time - checked
>> and found they wanted 902, 1.2 and 2.3.
>> Re edited and resubmitted ok this time.
>> Boy, Never have so many labored so long and so hard to accomplish so
>> little = 91 Q's for 5976 points.
>> And they wonder why some hams don't submit their logs!
>> Looks like time to invest in a new logging program as the "Cabrillo
>> output of VHF-DX no longer matches the Required format
>> VRY 73
>> Bob Cumming
>> W2BZY
>> QRV 50-2304 this time ( didn't get the antennas up for 3456 and 10G
>> this go round)
>> From EL98hr
>> At 10:08 PM 1/25/2006, Steve Gilmore wrote:
>>>Hello all,
>>>Just a quick post I submitted my log to the ARRL for the January VHF
>>>Sweepstakes and it threw out all the 903 Q's
>>>They were listed in Cabrillo as 903 so maybe they changed something. This
>>>was the decoding from the logging package
>>>So it appears something is amiss here.
>>>For those who send in logs pay attention to this ...
>>>Just a note to see if anyone else has had the same issue.
>>>Steve Gilmore - W4SHG
>>>VHFcontesting mailing list
>>>VHFcontesting at contesting.com
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