[VHFcontesting] WAHOO - LoTW Double Whammy(and a half)

R Johnson k1vu at tmlp.com
Tue Jul 18 00:49:07 EDT 2006

I've been sitting here with 49 states confirmed by LoTW.
All I needed was Alabama for LoTW WAS.

I know many of you needed ND,SD,or WY to complete WAS and were
wondering if news of LoTW had reached those states.

I had 44 Alabama QSO's, but nothing confirmed by LoTW,
and I was also starting to wonder if the news of LoTW had even
reached Alabama.  

Well this weekend I worked the CQVHF Contest.
Within 19 minutes after the contest I had my .TQ8 file uploaded.

About 3 Hours later I had my first match from N9AKR (Thank you)

This morning when I checked LoTW Awards I found that K4XR had
uploaded his log from ALABAMA !!!
(TNX, I'm bowing down and flagellating :-) >:D< :-*!!!)

Oh Yeah, the WAMMIES:
1 - AL gave me WAS Basic and Phone.
2 - AL gave me a new LoTW State on 6M. (38, with 17 LoTW confirmed)
The 1/2 Whammy:
I worked AF6O giving me CA, a NEW State on 6M (FN42 to DM14) !!!
Unfortunately it appears that he is not a LoTW user yet.
One can only hope :-).

In the first 24 hours I have had about a 16% LoTW return rate for CQVHF !!!

Some of my contest return rates have been as high as 30% !!!  

I might say that contesters seem to be more lightly to use LoTW than
the average Ham based on my LoTW returns. FD rates even lower !!!

VHF Contesters seem to have a higher return rate than HF Contesters. 
My personal observation.

My overall LoTW return rate from LoTW is 16.34% since day one after Beta !!!


Lastly, I must voice my usual complaint about the LoTW users who fail
to set up their "Station Data" to include their CQZ, ITUZ, and Grid.
like "Touch Holes", EVERYONE has one of those !!!
"U.S. Counties" and IOTA will vary by location.

All one has to do is Edit their "Station Data" and re-sign ALL of
their logs (create a new .TQ8 file or files) and resubmit to LoTW.
The new submission will supercede the old submissions !!!
This makes sure that EVERY QSO gets the FULL the credits that
LoTW provides for now and in the future !!!

DXCC isn't everything that LoTW can support !!!

LoTW works FB as far as it presently goes.

It works better when you supply all of your station info !!!

It would work even better if it supported "VUCC" !!!

Please take note, and thank for the 6M LoTW Contact !!! (Hint Hint).

Bob, K1VU



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