[VHFcontesting] LoTW for Rovers

Tom Carney tomc7 at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 18 19:01:12 EDT 2006

Tom Carney wrote:

> Another problem you will encounter.  Some people will log a rover with 
> out the /r.  This results in a mis-match in LOTW, IE not a confirmed 
> QSL.  With eQSL you see these QSO as un-confirmed contacts.  While I was 
> uploading to eQSL, I got almost as many QSL without the /r as with.  I 
> suspect the same thing occurs with LOTW but have no way of knowing.
> 73,  Tom  K6EU aka K6EU/r

Received a note from Paul, AA4ZZ indicating that LOTW should match up a 
/r QSO record with a non /r one.  I checked and he is correct, my bad. 
So if you upload from a /r certificate LOTW will match QSO submitted to 
your non /r call.

73,  Tom  K6EU

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