[VHFcontesting] k7XC - DM09ol - June VHF QSO Party 2006
T. M.
k7xc at charter.net
Sun Jun 4 14:13:11 EDT 2006
Hi Gang!
I will once again be QRV for the June VHF QSO Party from my current home in
Fallon NV, Grid Square = DM09ol.
Station is as follows...
6M - IC746 - 100W - Widespaced homebrew 6 ele yagi on 30' boom up 37'
2M - IC706mkIIg, 400W AM6154 Amp, M2 18xxx (18 ele 33' boom) up 39'
222 - IC706mkIIg, DEM Xvtr, 400W AM6155 Amp, M2 7wl (27 ele 31' boom) up 41'
432 - IC706mkIIg, 110W RF Concepts Brick, 9wl K1FO (33 ele on 27' boom) up
Will be QRV on the calling channels and QSYing up 20 Khz to run stations.
Look for me
on 146.55, and 223.50 FM Simplex as well.
I am especially intrsted in 222 Mhz QSOs... Try to find the last 8 grids for
VUCC on that band. Rovers please make an effort to look my way on 222, It
will be most appreciated!
After the contest is over, the entire station gets torn down and packed away
as Escrow is due to close at the end of the month on a house NW of Fallon. I
will have 1 acre, a flat horizon and plenty of aluminum to put back up!
73s and GL de Tim - K7XC - DM09ol... sk
"One who fears limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to
more intelligently begin again." -Henry Ford
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