[VHFcontesting] ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Bruce Tobias wb9woz at comcast.net
Thu Jun 8 21:58:01 EDT 2006

Yes, I will be at Greene Valley in Du Page county, IL  
Elevation of 980 ft  (not high for some of you, but the highest 
elevation in the state is 1012 ft. and 980 is 240 ft higher then my home 
Grid Sq  EN51
I am aware they are open only limited hours on weekends. Plan right now 
is to get there Saturday afternoon after I get off from work. Hit the 6 
Meter club hamfest at Du Page Fairgrounds Sunday morning and head back 
to Greene Valley.

If someone else has been using this site for the last few years, I will 
certainly yield. I don't want to step on anyones toes.
I'm not a big time contester. I do it because its fun, if the final 
score is good, all the better.
This year is the first year with a multi mode all band rig, want to give 
it a good workout prior to Field Day.

I'll be running the following
Yeasu FT-857D
6 meter Par antenna
a dual band horizontal loop for 2 meter and 432
a dual band comet vertical for FM


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