[VHFcontesting] 144.200

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 22 23:20:05 EDT 2006

--- Eric Watkins <shelshok at comcast.net> wrote:

> The point here wasn't to use APRS as a method of
> making a QSO for a point. Rather to use APRS as a
> way that base stations can track rovers, a practice
> currently "out of line" with contest rule 
> intentions.

Not at all.  This is fully approved by the ARRL.

> Rovers catch flack for using APRS unless they have
> no-digi set.

Digi is relaying, which makes you "assisted" (a
category that doesn't exist in the ARRL rules for VHF
contests).  The careful rover will run high power on
simplex, and launch their frames as:

This will both: 1. Not digipeat -and- 2. Not go to the
Internet (because the use of non-amateur means of
communication is prohibited).

Ev, W2EV

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