[VHFcontesting] Digitial Modes in Contesting - was FM in VHF Contesting

K7bv6m at aol.com K7bv6m at aol.com
Fri Jun 23 16:05:30 EDT 2006

In a message dated 6/23/2006 2:10:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
kenharker at kenharker.com writes:

The  problem with the digital modes in VHF contests are (a) not very
many  stations are equipped for the digital modes, and (b) any station you
can  work on AX.25, PSK31, or RTTY can be worked faster on SSB/CW.  The  WSJT
modes are gaining in popularity, but they require skeds, which kind of  
detracts from the fun of making random contacts in a  contest.

While I generally have near-total agreement with the views of my friend Ken  
WM5R, I have to say that I do not agree at all with him on the subject of  
contesting digital mode contacts; specifically WSJT digital contacts since I do  
not have any experiences with the other digital modes Ken  mentions. 
I believe that experience has shown that using WSJT digital modes to  
complete meteor scatter contacts can add substantially to ones final score.  While 
one certainly cannot maintain a significant "run" rate using WSJT  (comparable 
to SSB and CW rates), you most assuredly can add unique grid  multipliers to 
your score on 6 and 2 meters. And I maintain that a number of  weak signal 
contacts you will make likely could not have be made as  quickly, if at all, if 
attempted via SSB/CW. 
For me, WSJT contact work falls in the multiplier gathering category, with  
no intent whatsoever to contribute to my fun making random contacts in a  
contest. Speaking of random contacts, though, I would like those who do not  
already know to be aware that the WSJT user "community" is doing a lot to  
dramatically stimulate random activity both in and outside contests. 
But like anything in contesting, if one expects to master a tool or tactic  
just before or during a contest, you are asking for disappointment. Please  do 
not try and wring maximum benefit out of an allowed contesting mode,  WSJT, 
without applying some time to learning its proper application and use  under 
contest conditions. Those wanting to score big in the contest spend time  
learning the Morse code, rapid fire SSB operating, etc - do the same for WSJT  
outside the contest period and you will be pleasantly surprise.
More info on WSJT and meteor scatter can be found at 
_http://www.ykc.com/wa5ufh/_ (http://www.ykc.com/wa5ufh/)   To give  the software a try, download it 
free from _http://pulsar.princeton.edu/~joe/K1JT/_ 
(http://pulsar.princeton.edu/~joe/K1JT/)  and  then get on the website dedicated to WSJT meteor scatter - 
Ping Jockey Central  _http://www.pingjockey.net/cgi-bin/pingtalk/_ 
(http://www.pingjockey.net/cgi-bin/pingtalk/)  -  you will find a friendly group there 
eager to show you how to quick master this  fun mode of operating.
Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV
_www.qth.com/k7bv_ (http://www.qth.com/k7bv)  

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