[VHFcontesting] [Roving...]

Ev Tupis w2ev at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 8 08:30:15 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----
From: Paul Kiesel k7cw at yahoo.com

So, I asked him what the difference was between K7CW/VE7 and VE7RCW. They're both legal calls in Canada. I get clipped if I use one of them and passed if I use the other.

Hi Paul,
Though I'm neither an ARRL staffer nor any voice of authority when it comes to ARRL matters, I believe that this issue is that of "manufacturing contacts".  Allowing you to use a different callsign has the unintended secondary effect of allowing you to re-contact others for contest credit.  The DX station doesn't know that you are the same station, after all. :)  Because you started out using K7CW, then K7CW/VE7 is consistant with event objectives.  Had you started out using VE7RCW/W7, then you would have needed to use VE7RCW when in Canada.

Ev, W2EV

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