[VHFcontesting] Don't like the rules? Start your own contest!

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Nov 8 11:04:39 EST 2006

Yes, start your own contest. So long as you are willing to have the  exchange 
be grid squares (pretty obvious), and to accept Cabrillo formatted  logs, 
simply hold your contest on the second weekends of June and September,  and/or 
the 3d weekend of January, from 2 pm ET Saturday to 11 pm ET Sunday, or  some 
shorter time within that period.
>From there, take it away. Have distance based scoring, captive rovers or  
not, grid circling or not, categories for whatever you wish, etc.  Whatever  you 
want to see.  There can be as many different contests and different  sets of 
rules as there sponsors.
A person would enter your contest merely by adding your  contest's email 
address in the "Send To" field when they email their logs  to ARRL.
There's no need to wait for ARRL to change their rules. Just get the VHF  
logs from those weekends, score them as you see fit, and put the results on the  
73  -  Jim  K8MR

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