[VHFcontesting] Wanna Be

frank bechdoldt k3uhf at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 9 01:48:13 EST 2006

Jim wrote:
"Hi John
Congratulations on your efforts and final score.  Its always been enjoyable 
to work the contests from the next mountain top, (Fraizer Mt.). It didn't 
seem to hinder nether of us from working stations and grids and achieve good 
contest results.

I always find it interesting that the "WANT-A-BEs" are always quick to 
accuse others of monopolizing freqs., using controlled rovers, captive 
rovers, and on and on.  If they ONLY would apply hours/week/mouths of 
planing and dedication with good equipment and good operating skills they 
too could enjoy great scores.  I still find it quite amusing that those who 
makes the most noise about our past contest operations.

Just let this slide off your back like water on the LOUD Ducks back and 
continue to operate and enjoy contesting.

Gayle, WA2ODH and I, W2ODH are full-time RVing (rovering) around our great 

Jim. W2ODH/ somewhere in the USA."

But Im not a wanna be and I dont think others are wanna bes.

I have a fairly advanced set up allthough theres not much point in the world 
above 2.4 ghz out here.
I can put out 16000 watts erp on 2 meters, I have used the back of semi 
trucks as refectors to work stations in Northern California via tropo from a 
bridge crossing the columbia river at 70 mph.
This is the fun/ challenge of contests.  Thats about 400 miles or so.

Others out here have bigger mobiles and use it solely to help others and 
have fun because they turn in check logs. I will never win even if circlers 
are another catagory. I doubt if I will buy much more microwave gear.  I 
live in the northwest. I have often thought of going to the northeast on a 
vacation and trying it out.  I wont untilt the catagories are compareable to 
what I do and until I have more vacation.

I'm Not a wanna be here.

Im a dont wannna be

Dont wanna work 2 other perople 98 percent of the time.
Dont wanna have to do this to compare my self to others who call them selves 
Dont want to ignore people calling me on the calling frequency.
Dont want to be called contriversial in qst.
Dont want my multipliers to match each other in my group therefore makeing a 
xerox copy of my own score to feed opon itself until I declared winner when 
Im not doing the same thing that my competitors are doing.
Yes it takes alot of gear, and opperating time.
Some even use profesional drivers, thats great!
10 people should not define the contest for the other 100-120 when polls, 
concensus show a change is needed.
Lets call a duck a duck and put it in the duck pond. Its not cheating , its 
not roving in the spirit of working others either.

Even as a rover who benifits from working other rovers at random, I almost 
think rovers shouldnt work other rovers, if thats what it takes for a simple 
fix. I as a rover would give that up in comprimise. It is a slippery slope.

I really dont care if I ever win, I just want a fair measuring stick of my 
I would also like  a rover/ portable  vucc, dont care how, I would work for 

I hope another contest is persued based on distance. If someone made a 
platform we could down load out last set of qsos in I would submit my log 
and they could compare apples and oranges. You have to admit to a new rover 
the huge scores seem impossible to work towards. And when I found out after 
doing a few roves how they did this I was apaulled because I was working for 
something that the main stream elmered me to do and these guys were 
manipulating the rules.

Anyway I too have taken my own critizem on things and have tried to improve 
or change them even if I was mad when it was initially pointed out. I wanna 
let this part of the discussion die if the name calling is over. I think ev 
and n5ac are on to something good.

the next poll should be who wants to participate? Even if it piggy backs an 
arrl contest. In fact that in itself should send them a message.

Everyone keep doing what your doing, its politics until it changes or is no 
longer a contiversy.


Use your PC to make calls at very low rates 

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