[VHFcontesting] Elecraft Transverters and the Icom IC-756PRP3

kb8u vhf kb8u_vhf at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 9 09:23:27 EDT 2006

I use an XV144 and a PRO II (which most likely has the same keying outputs, 

I use a Down East Microwave sequencer because I also use a tube amplifier 
and a mast mounted preamp.

I modified the XV144 so that the final amplifier is biased off until the 
sequencer enables it as the last step in the transmit sequence.  I changed 
the XV144 amplifier keying output jack to a transmit enable input.  The 756 
keys the sequencer (and I think it keys the transverter transmit/receive at 
the same time, I'd have to check).

It works great, but it might be more complex than what you need.

73, Russ  -KB8U

>Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 00:16:02 -0400
>From: "George Kangas" <KU4VQ at msn.com>
>Subject: [VHFcontesting] Elecraft Transverters and the Icom IC-756PRP3
>To: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
>Message-ID: <BAY118-DAV2782B978451F27DC3BCCAE8110 at phx.gbl>
>Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="US-ASCII"
>Has anyone had the experience with the Elecraft Transverters and the PRO3. 
>am most interested in keying schemes.
>George W1LVL Daytona

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