[VHFcontesting] 144 MHz Spring Sprint TONIGHT, 4/9, 7p - 11p LOCAL time

John (JK) Kalenowsky, K9JK k9jk73 at msn.com
Mon Apr 9 13:16:51 EDT 2007

Thanks Walter.

Probably a reminder that Steve or I should have posted a reminder.

Yes, the 144 MHz Spring Sprint IS tonight and 
http://www.sysadnet.com/vhfsprintrules.htm is the place to go for the rules.

Please remember and try to exchange SIX-character Grid identifiers and that 
Steve and I will be MOST grateful for logs in Cabrillo format submitted to 
the e-mail address in the rules.

Good Luck to everyone who is able to participate (and thanks in advance FOR 
your participation).

73, K9JK

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