[VHFcontesting] W4SHG/R Rover Schedule for Spring 432 VHF Sprints April 25, 2007

Steve Gilmore shg at midatlanticbb.com
Wed Apr 25 07:46:59 EDT 2007

Well it's that time again ....
The W4SHG/R vessel will again be out in liming around for the running of the
432 mhz Spring Sprint 4/25/2007.

No guest wanted to work 432 because they think it's a dead band, Haaaaaaa

Look for the W4SHG/R in the following locations:

7:00pm - 7:40pm  FM18AX  Sky Meadows State Park                1000ft ASL 
8:00pm - 8:40pm  FM19AB  Mount Weather                         1700ft ASL 
9:10pm - 9:40pm  FM09WB  (Middle of No-where)                   700ft ASL
10:15pm - 10:30pm FM08US Little Devil Stairs (Looking South)   3200ft ASL
10:35pm - 11:00pm FM08US Hogback (Looking North/North/West)    3200ft ASL

I will be active while in flight and will be on 432.122 while on the move.
The Expediton Rover will have 22 Elements with rotator and 250 horsepower :)

This year we are going to give the IC-7000 a go. I hope Hogback doesn't
smash the receiver.

I look forward to hearing many as we will look hard down South at 10:10pm
and then North East from 10:25 to 11:00pm I will be looking for the
Lituanian brandy HQ in Maine if he's up and around yet. Hope to hear loads
of activity.

It is my honor to assist in the sponsorship of this event this year with
John K9JK. It is my sincere hope that we can do it as sucessfully as the
East Tennessee DX Association has done in years past. I am very pleaseed as
at this point it appears that we have 69 logs for the 144 event and 33 Logs
for the 222 event.

Good luck yo all, keep those logs coming in ...............

Respectfully Submitted
Steve Gilmore - W4SHG

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