[VHFcontesting] Southern California 432 MHz Sprint Report de K9JK /R (/6)

John (JK) Kalenowsky, K9JK k9jk73 at msn.com
Thu Apr 26 12:52:08 EDT 2007

The starting point was quite amazing in terms of view and DID seem effective 
as a "radio" location but activity was extremely light, only three QSOs made 
from there, best down to Dan, K6NKC in DM12jt, near San Diego. All stations 
heard were LOUD from up there, including N6XQ/B up at 432.300 (from DM12jr) 
and reports of my 5 Watt signal to the omnidirectional loop were also 

Gordon, WB6NOA, popped in a little after 8 (he had a meeting that conflicted 
with the start) and his strong signal from Costa Mesa was welcome...we made 
contact from all 4 of the local grids (DM03, DM04, DM13, DM14) that I 
visited and Gordo also tried to solicit activity for me but to little avail.

It ended up only being 10 QSOs that I made with just 4 different stations 
(besides Dan and Gordo, it was Don, W6CRO, and Larry, WA9SVC, though I did 
visit 4 Grids and made contacts from all 4. Other Grids worked were DM03wt, 
DM03wv, DM12jt and DM13bp.

DM04  4  3
DM14  2  2
DM03  3  3
DM13  1  1
Total  10  9 = 90

Thank you all for all the "thanks" that have been mentioned to Steve and 
me...we are honored to be able to keep these going and appreciative to all 
of the other participants. Sponsorship means nothing without participation.

73, JK

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