[VHFcontesting] ARRL UHF Contest is this weekend

jcplatt1 at mmm.com jcplatt1 at mmm.com
Wed Aug 1 10:28:51 EDT 2007

This weekend is the ARRL's UHF contest.   This fun event runs from 1800 UTC
Aug 4 to 1800 UTC Aug 5.   It's only a 24 hour contest, so do not think
about getting on Sunday evening to hand out a few contacts because its over
by then !    Here in the Midwest, that's 1:00 pm Sat to 1:00 pm Sunday.
Full contest rules can be found on the League's website at
http://www.arrl.org/contests/rules/2007/uhf.html  .

Last years UHF contest was the third consecutive year of increased logs and
the sixth highest log total in the 29 year history of this contest.   Can
we make it four years of growth ?  Only if you get on, make some contacts,
AND send in your log.   No log is to small to send in.

Regarding sending in your logs, please remember that if you use electronic
logging then you must submit an electronic log.  However, if you paper log
you CAN submit a paper log.   The League's website for paper forms (log
sheet and summary sheet) is at http://www.arrl.org/contests/forms/  .   You
can print out your own paper forms, fill them out and send them in.   The
League also offers a web site where you can enter your paper log manually
and convert it to electronic form.   That link can be found at
www.b4h.net/cabforms .    So you can see there are three different ways to
get your log into the League ..... electronic , paper, or via their Web
Applet tool.

New this year, the NLRS is sponsoring a 1st and 2nd place Limited Rover
award.   This is a first time event and our goal is to increase activity by
encouraging roving.    A "limited" rover has been defined as a rover who
has no more than three bands (of their own choosing) and who submits a log
to the ARRL.   Full rules can be found at our clubs website at
http://www.nlrs.org/LimitedRover/index.htm .

Good luck to everyone this weekend, rover's please drive safe.

73, Jon

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