[VHFcontesting] CQWW-VHF robot

Ron Klimas WZ1V wz1v at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 3 12:07:47 EDT 2007

I don't know if this was already reported but if you send a log file to the 
robot at cqvhf at cqww-vhf.com it will reject your log if it contains any 6 
digit grid squares. By default most logging programs automatically generate 
the cabrillo log using your home 6 digit grid for every QSO. This means 
every QSO will be rejected. You must edit with notepad using Replace All to 
substitute your 4 digit grid or as Homer Simpson would say, Doh!
-73, Ron WZ1V FN31mp doh! I mean FN31

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