[VHFcontesting] One Missing Rover

John Geiger aa5jg at lcisp.com
Wed Aug 8 13:25:46 EDT 2007

Other than the fact that the ARRL rover rules should go back to the previous
way of counting mults for rovers, the rules seem to be working pretty well.
What is wrong with them?

73s John AA5JG
Occassional limited rover

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Agsten" <w4txs at yahoo.com>
To: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 10:36 PM
Subject: [VHFcontesting] One Missing Rover

> Until some VHF and UHF Contest rules are changed, I will not be out in the
rover. With high gas prices and deaf ears in Newington, it's just not worth
the effort to go out as a single op rover. There is a lot of work involved
in setting things up for roving in a non-dedicated vehicle. The UHF contest
participation from Central Virginia has been pretty sparse the last few
years. If I had a QTH where I could put up multiple towers and get the
antenna arrays above the tree tops, I'd still be enthusiastic about VHF
contesting. I had that once from southern NH as WB1CJT.  Maybe again, one of
these days when I'm retired. For now, it's time to get the low noise
receiving antennas ready for the low bands.
>   I still have two nice FT-736Rs for sale - one with 6,2,220 and 440, the
other with 2, 222 and 440. Both have tone board and CW filter. The four band
radio has the keyer and voice synthesizer options as well.
>   GL to all who stick with roving es 73 to all,
>   Dave N8AG/R ex W4TXS/R
> ---------------------------------
> Choose the right car based on your needs.  Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car
Finder tool.
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