[VHFcontesting] One Missing Rover

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Wed Aug 8 19:58:38 EDT 2007

John Geiger wrote:
> One think that I have been thinking of recently is that we need a mobile
> category for the VHF contests-for people who go mobile but who don't meet
> the rover requirements.  With the proliferation of HF/VHF/UHF mobile rigs,
> we may have the guy who is out running errands on saturday and sunday
> afternoon, and who turns on 6 to find the band open so he makes a few
> contest Qs.  Or the ham who operates while driving back and forth to
> Grandmother's house for the weekend.
> If neither of these travel to another grid square they fall into the black
> hole of entries: They can't enter as a rover because they didn't activate
> more than 1 grid, and they can't enter as a single op because of the 300
> meter rule.  Do we really want to tell these potential contesters that we
> don't care about them and that their QSOs don't count for anything?

It's a non-problem.

Even if they send in a log, they have no chance at scoring high enough 
to even show up on the lists in the magazine, with that short/small of 
an operation, and they probably know that.

If there's are examples of logs sent in from such operators, what was 
done with them?  Were they simply treated as checklogs or were they 
scored?  I'm betting they're scored anyway.  Is there a check in the 
robot to see if a rover really operated from two grids?

Other than folks who "usually contest" but aren't that day, who send 
them in as check logs, I'd be surprised if anyone in the examples you 
gave above are even truly sending in logs.

Nate WY0X

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