[VHFcontesting] APRS vs. Real-time logging

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Mon Aug 13 08:25:27 EDT 2007

On Sun, Aug 12, 2007 at 12:54:36PM -0400, Buck Calabro wrote:
> Ron Rogers wrote:
> > > The rules of the contest don't mention
> > > anything about every QSO exchange
> > > must be based clearly on "chance" or
> > > "accidental discovery".
> Kenneth E. Harker replied:
> > That's an interesting idea.  I'd be in favor of that change.
> 'Accidental discovery...' It sounds like I can't tell my contact that
> I want to move up from 2m to 432.090 because that would not be random.
>  If you feel that's okay, what exactly are you in favour of?  Could
> you put your proposal into rules form?
>   --buck KC2HIZ/r

I guess a place to start would be to ban the prearrangement before the 
contest period of scheduled contacts.  If you find someone on the air 
and want to run through the bands, or decide to try the higher bands 
at some specified later time, that would be OK.  But, I think it would 
improve the spirit of the competition if that initial contact were
made by someone answering a genuine CQ on the air.

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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