[VHFcontesting] UT1FG/MM EN47 Lake Superior

Tad Danley tdanley at verizon.net
Wed Aug 22 06:37:31 EDT 2007

Bill Burgess wrote:
> Reported by N0VZJ, listen for UT1FG/MM on Lake Superior, heading east from Duluth MN.  Operating VHF-UHF and heard/worked into EN35.  Band 144.

Worked him last evening on six meters.  5x7 into EM10; he was calling CQ 
with no takers.  It pays to be listening, and it pays even more to make 
some noise.  Nothing was heard on the band here for 30 minutes 
before/after the contact.  In fact I didn't even have the logging 
program running and had to paper log him because I wasn't expecting to 
hear anything.


Tad Danley, K3TD

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