[VHFcontesting] DC Power Distribution

David Erickson erickson+vhf at mentis.org
Wed Aug 29 10:05:26 EDT 2007


In the K3LFO/R(www.k3lfo.org), we run power from an Onan 2800 generator to
power multiple power supplies.  For our TE Systems amps they are run off
of an Astron RS-70m and then #4 wire to a 75-amp powerpole distribution
block made by DC Power, LLC.  We picked it up at Dayton.  It is built to
handle up to 80amps and has four fused 75-amp powerpole connectors.  Ended
up working really nice.  We also power some lower-current items off of
another power distribution block from DC Power LLC, that uses 30 amp power
poles.  Hope that helps.


> Hi All,
> I'm putting the final touches on my rover for September and I was
> wondering if I could get some ideas on what other rovers use for DC power
> distribution.  I'm especially interested in what you use to distribute
> power to your high power amplifiers.
> 73 Matt
> W5LL
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