[VHFcontesting] Dynamic Event Categories [was: cherry picking]

Ev Tupis w2ev at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 10:24:22 EST 2007

----- Original Message ----
From: Ray J <ray at w9ray.org>

 You could get some "big gun" multi op station that scores huge numbers
on their bottom bands.. but know they are not going to win in the 
regular multi class so they "move down" to the limited class and kick 
butt... I do not feel thats right....  you should have to score all the
qso's that  you work.  And if someone should  decide not to use them 
bands that they could operate,  then....  shame on them...


Imagine an event where there are *no* pre-defined categories, only participants who participate to the best of their "ability" and submit the result.

The term "ability" can be defined within the constraints of: technical, power-level, competitive spirit, time available, band-count, location, etc.).

The trick is to clearly identify each level of "ability" in the submitting report and have that logged, along with the submitted QSO log.

With all of this data available, it would be trivial to create an *automated* awards structure that would support any combination of the above when generating certificates.

QUESTION: How did I score, against other's within a 9-grid radius, running my power level and below?  Mine for that information.  Do I want a PDF-based certificate to officially document that?  Download it!  Move on. :)

Would *you* (general reader...not aimed at Ray) be interested in making such a system a reality?  Do you have web-programming skills (or interest in learning those skills on your own for the good of such a project)?  Contact me off-list and lets see what happens.

Ev, W2EV

PS: Such a system could be put in place to work in *parallel* with existing contests...not necessarily as a replacement for any...or as a new event.  That's what "CWAC's" (Contests Within A Contest) are all about.

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